The spectator seats.

The main stage.

Japanese food stalls.

Future Nakata?? Hahah~

Sushi King also spotted!

"Irasha imase~"

"Ikura desuka?"

Japanese girls with Yutaka on.


"Wanna try Takoyaki?"

Ok tried... Rm6 for 6 balls.

LOL, so freaking BIG, the word...

Countless food...

Endless choices...

Unlimited spending...



Japanese cute girl spotted~

Chinese girls with Yutaka spotted too! LOL~

Photographer in action.

Mother and daughter. Sweet~

"Okasan, mite mite~" =D

"Watashi no belloon ha doko?"

Preparation for the show.


Round and merry-go-round...

Lets dance together~

With the Japanese~!


Family dance~

Evening approached.

Hot night~

Night session~

Bon Odori shirt.

Special shirt...

Cute girl spotted again~

Panning on the kids~! Hahah~